Blog Casting Shade the Right Way: The Tree Fairy's Guide to Strategic Tree Planting May 30, 2024

As the premier tree services company in town, The Tree Fairy is dedicated to helping our customers make informed decisions when it comes to their trees. One crucial aspect of tree care is strategic tree planting – where to plant a tree can make all the difference in its growth and health. In this guide, we’ll share some expert tips on how to cast shade the right way with strategic tree planting.

1. Choose the Right Tree for the Right Location The first step in strategic tree planting is selecting the right tree for the right location. Consider the climate, soil type, and sun exposure of the planting site. Different trees have different requirements, so make sure to choose a tree species that will thrive in your specific conditions.

2. Consider the Purpose of the Tree Think about why you’re planting the tree. Are you looking to add shade to your backyard? Or perhaps you want to enhance your home’s curb appeal? The purpose of the tree will help you determine the best location for planting. For example, if you want to reduce energy costs by providing shade to your home, plant the tree on the west side to block the harsh afternoon sun.

3. Plant Away from Buildings and Infrastructure When planting a tree, make sure to consider its mature size. Planting a tree too close to a building or infrastructure can cause damage as the tree grows and its roots expand. To avoid potential issues, plant the tree at least 20 feet away from any structures.

4. Leave Room for Growth Speaking of mature size, make sure to leave enough room for the tree to grow. Crowding trees too close together can lead to competition for sunlight, water, and nutrients, resulting in stunted growth. Research the mature size of the tree species you’re planting and space them accordingly.

5. Mind Power Lines and Underground Utilities Before planting a tree, check for overhead power lines and underground utilities. Planting a tree too close to power lines can be hazardous and may require regular pruning to maintain a safe distance. Similarly, planting a tree over underground utilities can lead to costly damage and repairs down the line.

6. Water and Mulch Properly Once you’ve planted your tree, make sure to water and mulch it properly. Newly planted trees require regular watering to help establish strong roots. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

By following these expert tips on strategic tree planting, you can ensure that your trees thrive and provide beauty and shade for years to come. If you have any questions or need assistance with tree planting, pruning, or removal, don’t hesitate to contact the tree care experts at The Tree Fairy. Our team is here to help you create a beautiful and healthy landscape that you can enjoy for generations.

Ready to get started? Book an appointment today.